FAQ's: User & Patient Administration
Below are the most common questions we receive regarding the routine Administrative functions within the Brain Power® Program and Website. |
How do I set up a new user?® (Admin, Trainer, Support-Trainer, Staff) |
This can be done two ways. Log-in to your Provider Account at: www.TrainMyBrain.com;
1. Go to "Administration", "Edit Users", and click "Add" in the upper right corner.
2. Go to "Administration", "Edit Profile", go to the bottom of the page to "Organization Contacts" and click "Add" in the upper right corner.
Be sure to specify the "Account Type" for the user as each type has different privileges and levels of access on the website. You can also edit an existing User from either "Edit Users" or "Edit Profile." |
What is the role of the Support Trainer?® |
Brain Power® is not a program that can be used independently by the Patient. It requires someone to facilitate the training process. Within a clinic or professional office, this would be a "Trainer". If treatment is provided at home, training is facilitated by a "Support Trainer" (family member or friend). The Support Trainer has several responsibilities during the cognitive skills training sessions.
The Support Trainer is responsible for;
- Explaining the directions (which precede each training level) to the patient and verify that the patient understands.
- Monitoring the patient's performance during each training activity.
- Inputting patient responses where needed.
- Facilitating immediate correction when errors are made.
- Providing positive reinforcement for success.
- Providing constructive feedback when a level needs to be repeated.
How do I set up a new patient?® |
Log-in to your Provider Account at: www.TrainMyBrain.com;
1. Go to "Administration", "Patients", and click "Add" in the upper right corner.
2. Enter all of the demographic data. Be sure to assign a Trainer and Support Trainer (if applicable). Indicate if the Support Trainer is "Direct Pay" (allowing the Patient/Support Trainer to pay for the Brain Power® Program directly through Brain Power Direct [online]).
3. Click "Save" and then go through the next several screens where you will enter as much other data about the patient as you can. Be sure to enter the results of any cognitive testing that was done. Any of this data can be entered or edited later.
4. After you have entered and saved everything, you can then click on "Modules" and select which training modules the Support Trainer will be able to use. Trainers (who should be professional staff and are responsible for managing the patient’s training) have access to all of the training modules. |
How do I review a patient’s treatment progress?® |
1. Treatment Overview. Start the Brain Power® program and open the Patient’s training account. You will need to be assigned as one of the patient’s Trainers for the patient’s name to appear on the drop down list when you log in. You can then look at the Overview screen to see how the patient is progressing through each of the training modules. Use this screen see if there is a level of a module that the patient is getting stuck on so you can discuss this at a follow up meeting. You can also see if all levels of a module have been completed as you may want to add a new module to the treatment plan.
2. Training Session Report. This report is useful to make sure that training is occurring on a consistent basis. Go to the website, "Administration", "Training Sessions". Find the patient’s name from the "Patient User Name" drop down list. Click "Generate Report" and you will see a Session Purchase and Utilization Report which will show the first and most recent date of training, and the total number of sessions conducted between those dates. You can further refine this report by limiting it to only one trainer and/or range of dates that training occurred.
3. Patient Training Sessions. Go to the website, "Administration", "Patients", click on the patient’s user name which takes you to the "Edit Patient" screen, then click on "Training" in the upper right corner. This screen is best used to look at the patient’s progress on a specific training module. You will be able to see how many sessions were spent on the module, how many attempts were made on each level and whether the level was passed or not. This data can be downloaded as an Excel file for statistical analysis in SPSS of another statistical package. |
What if my User ID does not work anymore?® |
Most likely this has occurred because you did not complete the Trainer Orientation and check off the attestation at the bottom of the page before the 15-day trial period ran out. If so, there are two options for correcting this.
1. The Organization Administrator (Brain Power® Provider) can go to "Administration", "Edit Users", open your User ID and change the Certified status from “No” to “Yes.” The Brain Power program will then run in Patient Training mode rather than Demonstration mode as before. You can then start to train a patient.
2. If you have not completed the Trainer Orientation and need the program to continue running in Demonstration Mode, you can have the Organization Administrator go to "Administration", "Edit Users", open your User ID and delete your account. Before doing this, though, you should be removed as a trainer or support trainer for any patients. A User cannot be deleted if there are any patient records associated with that User. After your account has been deleted, the Organization Administrator can set a new User account for you with the same email address. You will then have an additional 15 days in "Demo Mode" to complete your orientation. |